We need your help to determine the winner of the “What’s Blooming?” photo contest. Customers have submitted their photos, and now it’s time for us to be the judges.
Photos should be judged on the following criteria:
- How well does the photo answer the question “What’s Blooming?”
- Beauty/aesthetic appeal: Is the photo appealing to you?
- Technical skill: Is the photo composed well? Was it cropped appropriately? Did the photographer make sure there’s not a dump truck in the background? Do the dimensions of the photo compliment the photo subject? Is the lighting good? Is the dark/light and color in the photo well-balanced, or is it washed out, over/under exposed?
- Grand Prize is worth $335.00, First Place is worth $150.00, Second Place is worth $50.00, and Third Place is worth $25.00. In your opinion, are the photos you are voting for worthy of these prizes?
How to vote:
- Click the “Refresh” button before voting.
- Please chose your favorite 6 photos and click the “Thumbs-Up” icon located beneath the picture you want to vote for.
- PLEASE ONLY VOTE FOR 6 PHOTOS. Once you vote for a photo, your vote cannot be undone, so choose carefully and don’t place your votes until you’ve viewed all the photos.
- Click the “Refresh” button after voting.
Originally published on August 27th, 2014.