Try fighting pests with their natural enemies! Beneficial insects prey upon pests that damage your plants. In our Garden Shop you can seasonally find ladybugs, praying mantid eggs, earth worms and […]
Category: Seasonal Tips
Pinch of seed for pounds of produce
- Season: Spring
With Stay-At-Home orders currently in place, many of us are trying to limit our number of trips to the grocery stores, making it harder to keep fresh produce on our […]
Plant a Kitchen Herb Garden
Whether indoors or out, a fresh culinary delight can be found in a kitchen herb garden. It’s easy to do, and a beautiful, edible addition to any garden, patio or […]
Start seeds now for strong, healthy plants
The winter months are an excellent time to get a head start on your garden! Seeds are a wonderful and cost-effective way to try new varieties of vegetables. After choosing your […]
Staking and Supports
Now that you put in the time and effort to plant your garden, don’t forget to give your plants the additional support they need to thrive through the summer. Support […]
Test soil before amending
- Season: Spring
Soil tests are one of the most essential keys to a successful landscape. Many people add an all-in-one fertilizer every spring, thinking one application and forget about it. This can […]
Speaking of Weeds….
Did something new pop up in your garden? Did you hope it was a volunteer? Keep a close eye on your garden for noxious weeds. Invasive, aggressively-spread weeds can take […]
Protect trees from heavy snow
All trees can be damaged by heavy, wet snow when still in full leaf. Trees that grow quickly, such as poplars, elms and willows, with deep v-shaped crotches also tend […]
Prune in late winter, early spring for a healthy tree
While light pruning can be done any time of year, late winter and early spring are an excellent time for full-tree pruning. Prune before the tree has begun setting leaves […]
Growing pumpkins
Pumpkins, with their edible flesh and long storage life are a warm season crop. They require a long growing season of nearly 85 days, so it’s best to start them […]