Extend Vegetable Season

Harvest time will start slowing down, but the taste for fresh vegetables never really wanes. Extend your veggie harvest with cold crops.

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi and kale do great with cooler weather conditions. Some will even withstand frost or snow with the right protections such as mulching, row covers or using cold frames.

Cole crops can be transplanted once daytime temperatures are in the 60°-70°F range. Fort Collins Nursery’s greenhouse offers cold crop plant starts in September. Shop early to make sure your plants have a head start!

It is also not too late to sow cool season crop seeds. When choosing a variety, check the “days to maturity” for a shorter (50 day or less) duration. This will ensure proper germination and strong plants facing cool night weather.

Spinach, lettuce, peas, radish and beet seeds can be sown and do best in lower temperatures. These will need protection from frost, such as seed guard and frost cloth (available at Fort Collins Nursery.)

With Colorado’s fickle climate, we could see sun and mild weather well into December, so take advantage of it to extend the growing season.

Originally published on September 2nd, 2012. Updated on August 23rd, 2024.