Greetings friends and followers of Fort Collins Nursery! I want to take this opportunity to share the steps we here at the nursery are taking to keep you, our customers, and our employees safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

As it currently stands, we are trying to keep things as normal as possible. We know many of you may be spending more time than usual at home in the coming weeks and months, and that means you’ll need to be well-stocked with all your houseplant and gardening needs. We will run regular hours and regular staff. We will double our efforts keeping the store clean and sanitized. We will keep an eye on CDC and Health Department notices and follow their lead. At this point, we are not cancelling any of our upcoming events, but are keeping a close watch on how the pandemic develops and are ready to postpone or cancel events in the interest of keeping ourselves and our community safe.
We also want to do everything we can to keep our wonderful staff employed and healthy. We are offering paid time off for staff who experience respiratory illness, and are giving as much time as needed for employees to care for sick loved ones or children who can no longer go to school or daycare. We are also ensuring no employees showing symptoms of respiratory illness come to work so the rest of us, including our customers, can stay healthy.
Through all of this, please remember this town is filled with loving and caring people. Be sure to use common sense measures to stay healthy, and remember that the only way the whole community stays safe is if the whole community has access to critical supplies. If you or someone you know needs gardening supplies delivered, please reach out to us. We can bring you supplies so you can avoid going out in public. We need to take care of ourselves mentally as well as physically, and I know how important plants are to so many of you.
Finally, this town is blessed with tons of outstanding small businesses. When times are slow, they will need your support more than ever. We appreciate your support, too, and we are grateful for the 88 years you have given us. We know that this will eventually pass, and we plan on another 88 years (at least!) of gardening, of plants, and of beauty.
Love and flowers from your friends at Fort Collins Nursery
Originally published on March 14th, 2020.