If you’ve placed an order with us, or plan on placing an order with us, watch the video below for an update on your order status from Fort Collins Nursery Owner Jesse Eastman:
If you’ve placed an order on our website, you may have noticed that it is taking us several days to process your request. If you’ve already picked up your order, I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful weather, you don’t need to keep reading if you don’t want to.
This letter is really for all of you who are still waiting for a call about your order.
First off, I assure you that we haven’t forgotten about you. Your order means the world to us, especially when so many businesses have had to close up shop. We are, however, experiencing delays in order processing because:
- We are an essential business selling food growing supplies such as seed, veggie starts, fertilizer, and more. As such, we are prioritizing orders containing these types of items to ensure that people who need essential supplies are well-served.
- The health and safety of my coworkers is of the utmost importance. That means I have to limit the number of people working to ensure effective social distancing while we work. Unfortunately, that also means we can’t process orders as fast as they’re coming in.
- We have received more orders than I ever imagined was possible – over 500 orders since Saturday! It is a daunting yet joyful reminder that we are surrounded by people who care as much about plants as we do. This remote way of doing business fits us poorly, but it’s the hand we’ve been dealt. We’re working diligently to improve our operations, and that means that the ride should be a little less bumpy as we move forward.
What all of this means for you:
- You may have to wait several days before you hear back from us on your order.
- All orders that were placed during the sale will receive sale pricing, even if we don’t process them before the sale ends.
- We ask that you not call to check on the status of your order, as this only ties us up and slows down our ability to complete orders quickly. Please know we are working on it and will be in touch the moment your order is ready for pickup!
None of this is ideal, but these are not ideal times. I’m humbled to be virtually drowning in the love this community has shown to this business. I know we’ll all get through this, and I appreciate your patience and understanding. The world will be a beautiful and blooming place thanks to each and every one of you!
Sincerely and with gratitude,
Jesse Eastman
Originally published on April 7th, 2020.